Документация Engee

How units are displayed

Страница в процессе перевода.

By default, exponents on units or dimensions are indicated using Unicode superscripts on macOS and without superscripts on other operating systems. You can set the environment variable UNITFUL_FANCY_EXPONENTS to either true or false to force using or not using the exponents. You can also set the :fancy_exponent IO context property to either true or false to force using or not using the exponents.

# Unitful.BracketStyleType


BracketStyle specifies whether the numeric value of a Quantity is printed in brackets (and what kind of brackets). Three styles are defined:

  • NoBrackets(): this is the default, for example used for real numbers: 1.2 m

  • RoundBrackets(): used for complex numbers: (2.5 + 1.0im) V

  • SquareBrackets(): used for Level/Gain: [3 dB] Hz^-1

# Unitful.abbrFunction

abbr(x) provides abbreviations for units or dimensions. Since a method should always be defined for each unit and dimension type, absence of a method for a specific unit or dimension type is likely an error. Consequently, we return ❓ for generic arguments to flag unexpected behavior.

# Unitful.prefixFunction


Returns a string representing the SI prefix for the power-of-ten held by this particular unit.

# Base.showMethod

show(io::IO, x::Quantity)

Show a unitful quantity by calling showval on the numeric value, appending a space, and then calling show on a units object U().

# Base.showMethod

show(io::IO, x::Unitlike)

Call Unitful.showrep on each object in the tuple that is the type variable of a Unitful.Units or Unitful.Dimensions object.

# Unitful.showrepFunction

showrep(io::IO, x::Unit)

Show the unit, prefixing with any decimal prefix and appending the exponent as formatted by Unitful.superscript.

showrep(io::IO, x::Dimension)

Show the dimension, appending any exponent as formatted by Unitful.superscript.

# Unitful.showvalFunction

showval(io::IO, x::Number, brackets::Bool=true)

Show the numeric value x of a quantity. Depending on the type of x, the value may be enclosed in brackets (see BracketStyle). If brackets is set to false, the brackets are not printed.

# Unitful.superscriptFunction

superscript(i::Rational; io::Union{IO, Nothing} = nothing)

Returns exponents as a string.

This function returns the value as a string. It does not print to io. io is only used for IO context values. If io contains the :fancy_exponent property and the value is a Bool, this value will override the behavior of fancy exponents.