Документация Engee

Spatiotemporal Panel Datasets

Страница в процессе перевода.

We often also need to missing data in spatiotemporal data. For this example, we’ll use daily temperature values from major cities around the world.

TODO: Give a different workflow/example using a DataFrame.

using AxisKeys, Impute, NamedDims, Plots, Statistics, StatsBase

# So NamedDimsArray is the outer wrapper
AxisKeys.nameouter() = true

# Construct a KeyedArray of our dataset as we want to track gaps (or missing rows)
# in the source CSV data.
data = wrapdims(

# Rename our dims
data = rename(data, :dt => :time, :City => :loc)
2-dimensional NamedDimsArray(KeyedArray(...)) with keys:
↓   time ∈ 3239-element Vector{Dates.Date}
→   loc ∈ 100-element Vector{InlineStrings.String31}
And data, 3239×100 Matrix{Union{Missing, Float64}}:
                         String31("Abidjan")   …   String31("Xian")
   Date("1743-11-01")     missing                   missing
   Date("1743-12-01")     missing                   missing
   Date("1744-01-01")     missing                   missing
   Date("1744-02-01")     missing                   missing
   Date("1744-03-01")     missing              …    missing
   Date("1744-04-01")     missing                   missing
   ⋮                                           ⋱
   Date("2013-03-01")   29.129                    10.11
   Date("2013-04-01")   28.626                    12.563
   Date("2013-05-01")   27.652                 …  18.979
   Date("2013-06-01")   26.157                    23.522
   Date("2013-07-01")   24.951                    25.251
   Date("2013-08-01")   24.541                    24.528
   Date("2013-09-01")     missing                   missing

Okay, so let’s take a look at how much temperature data is missing.

heatmap(ismissing.(data); color=:greys);
st missing plot

So many cities are missing a lot of historical data. A common operation is to remove locations with too many missing historical observations. In our case, we also want to penalize observations closer to the present.

Let’s start to define a set of exponential weights for our observations:

wv = eweights(1:length(data.time), 0.001)
st wv plot

Now we want to filter out locations (columns) according to those weights. For now, we’ll say that a location should be removed if the weighted ratio exceeds 0.1.

data = Impute.filter(data; dims=:cols) do v
    mratio = sum(wv[ismissing.(v)]) / sum(wv)
    return mratio < 0.1
2-dimensional NamedDimsArray(KeyedArray(...)) with keys:
↓   time ∈ 3239-element Vector{Dates.Date}
→   loc ∈ 76-element Vector{InlineStrings.String31}
And data, 3239×76 Matrix{Union{Missing, Float64}}:
                         String31("Ahmadabad")   …   String31("Xian")
   Date("1743-11-01")     missing                     missing
   Date("1743-12-01")     missing                     missing
   Date("1744-01-01")     missing                     missing
   Date("1744-02-01")     missing                     missing
   Date("1744-03-01")     missing                …    missing
   Date("1744-04-01")     missing                     missing
   ⋮                                             ⋱
   Date("2013-03-01")   27.196                      10.11
   Date("2013-04-01")   30.762                      12.563
   Date("2013-05-01")   33.856                   …  18.979
   Date("2013-06-01")   31.099                      23.522
   Date("2013-07-01")   28.073                      25.251
   Date("2013-08-01")   27.512                      24.528
   Date("2013-09-01")     missing                     missing

Okay, so we removed almost 25% of the locations that didn’t meet our missing data requirement. However, most of our observations from the 1700’s are still mostly missing. Let’s remove those rows that have more 50% of the locations missing.

data = Impute.filter(data; dims=:rows) do v
    mratio = count(ismissing, v) / length(v)
    return mratio < 0.5
2-dimensional NamedDimsArray(KeyedArray(...)) with keys:
↓   time ∈ 2350-element Vector{Dates.Date}
→   loc ∈ 76-element Vector{InlineStrings.String31}
And data, 2350×76 Matrix{Union{Missing, Float64}}:
                         String31("Ahmadabad")   …   String31("Xian")
   Date("1816-03-01")   24.87                         missing
   Date("1816-04-01")   29.427                        missing
   Date("1816-05-01")   32.624                        missing
   Date("1816-06-01")   30.632                        missing
   Date("1816-07-01")   26.727                   …    missing
   Date("1816-08-01")   26.131                        missing
   ⋮                                             ⋱
   Date("2013-02-01")   22.726                       2.362
   Date("2013-03-01")   27.196                      10.11
   Date("2013-04-01")   30.762                   …  12.563
   Date("2013-05-01")   33.856                      18.979
   Date("2013-06-01")   31.099                      23.522
   Date("2013-07-01")   28.073                      25.251
   Date("2013-08-01")   27.512                      24.528

Now let’s take a look at what data remains.

heatmap(ismissing.(data); color=:greys);
st missing reduced plot

Alright, we can work with the remaining missing values now. Now we could try simply imputing the values columnwise for each city using something like Impute.nocb

heatmap(Impute.nocb(data; dims=:cols));
st nocb plot

But, this looks rather crude and creates clear artifacts in the dataset. Since we suspect that observations in similar locations would have had similar recordings we could use Impute.svd or Impute.knn to find similarities across multiple locations.

data = Impute.knn(data; dims=:cols, k=4);
st knn plot

This method appears to have removed the artifacts found with the basic NOCB method alone. Now we have a complete dataset ready for downstream processing :)