Контрольные списки
При подготовке к выпуску используйте следующий контрольный список. Эти шаги можно выполнить в одной фиксации или по отдельности. Последняя фиксация должна иметь сообщение «Подготовка к vX.Y.Z».
## Перед выпуском - [ ] Check that the pinned packages in `docs/Project.toml` are updated. We pin the versions so that changes in the solvers (changes in printing, small numeric changes) do not break the printing of the JuMP docs in arbitrary commits. - [ ] Check that the `rev` fields in `docs/packages.toml` are updated. We pin the versions of solvers and extensions to ensure that changes to their READMEs do not break the JuMP docs in arbitrary commits, and to ensure that the versions are compatible with the latest JuMP and MathOptInterface releases. - [ ] Check compat of `DimensionalData` in `Project.toml` - [ ] Check compat of `MacroTools` in `Project.toml` - [ ] Update `docs/src/changelog.md` - [ ] Run https://github.com/jump-dev/JuMP.jl/actions/workflows/extension-tests.yml using a `workflow_dispatch` trigger to check for any changes in JuMP that broke extensions. - [ ] Change the version number in `Project.toml` - [ ] The commit messages in this PR do not contain `[ci skip]` ## Выпуск - [ ] After merging this pull request, comment `[at]JuliaRegistrator register` in the GitHub commit. This should automatically publish a new version to the Julia registry, as well as create a tag, and rebuild the documentation for this tag. These steps can take quite a bit of time (1 hour or more), so don't be surprised if the new documentation takes a while to appear. In addition, the links in the README will be broken until JuliaHub fetches the new version on their servers. ## После выпуска - [ ] Once the tag is created, update the relevant `release-` branch. The latest release branch at the time of writing is `release-1.0` (we haven't back-ported any patches that needed to create a `release-1.Y` branch). To to update the release branch with the v1.10.0 tag, do: ``` git checkout release-1.0 git pull git merge v1.10.0 git push ```
Добавление нового решателя в документацию
При добавлении нового решателя в документацию JuMP используйте следующий контрольный список.
## Основные действия - [ ] Check that the solver is a registered Julia package - [ ] Check that the solver supports the long-term support release of Julia - [ ] Check that the solver has a MathOptInterface wrapper - [ ] Check that the tests call `MOI.Test.runtests`. Some test excludes are permissible, but the reason for skipping a particular test should be documented. - [ ] Check that the README and/or documentation provides an example of how to use the solver with JuMP ## Документация - [ ] Add a new row to the table in `docs/src/installation.md` ## Необязательно - [ ] Add package metadata to `docs/packages.toml`