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JuMP provides a variety of ways to extend the basic modeling functionality.

This documentation in this section is still a work-in-progress. The best place to look for ideas and help when writing a new JuMP extension are existing JuMP extensions. Examples include:


When writing JuMP extensions, you should carefully consider the compatibility guarantees that JuMP makes. In particular:

  • All functions, structs, and constants which do not begin with an underscore (_) are public. These are always safe to use, and they should all have corresponding documentation.

  • All identifiers beginning with an underscore (_) are private. These are not safe to use, because they may break in any JuMP release, including patch releases.

  • Unless explicitly mentioned in the documentation, all fields of a struct are private. These are not safe to use, because they may break in any JuMP release, including patch releases. An example of a field which is safe to use is the model.ext extension dictionary, which is documented in The extension dictionary.

In general, we strongly encourage you to use only the public API of JuMP. If you are missing a feature, please open a GitHub issue.

However, if you do use the private API (for example, because your feature request has not been implemented yet), then you must carefully restrict the versions of JuMP that your package is compatible with in the Project.toml file. The easiest way to do this is via the hyphen specifiers. For example, if your package supports all JuMP versions between v1.0.0 and v1.1.1, do:

JuMP = "1.0.0 - 1.1.1"

Then, whenever JuMP releases a new version, you should check if your package is still compatible and update the bound accordingly.

Define a new set

To define a new set for JuMP, subtype MOI.AbstractScalarSet or MOI.AbstractVectorSet and implement Base.copy for the set.

julia> struct NewMOIVectorSet <: MOI.AbstractVectorSet

julia> Base.copy(x::NewMOIVectorSet) = x

julia> model = Model();

julia> @variable(model, x[1:2]);

julia> @constraint(model, x in NewMOIVectorSet(2))
[x[1], x[2]] ∈ NewMOIVectorSet(2)

However, for vector-sets, this requires the user to specify the dimension argument to their set, even though we could infer it from the length of x!

You can make a more user-friendly set by subtyping AbstractVectorSet and implementing moi_set.

julia> struct NewVectorSet <: JuMP.AbstractVectorSet end

julia> JuMP.moi_set(::NewVectorSet, dim::Int) = NewMOIVectorSet(dim)

julia> @constraint(model, x in NewVectorSet())
[x[1], x[2]] ∈ NewMOIVectorSet(2)

Extend @variable

Just as Bin and Int create binary and integer variables, you can extend the @variable macro to create new types of variables. Here is an explanation by example, where we create a AddTwice type, that creates a tuple of two JuMP variables instead of a single variable.

First, create a new struct. This can be anything. Our struct holds a VariableInfo object that stores bound information, and whether the variable is binary or integer.

julia> struct AddTwice

Second, implement build_variable, which takes ::Type{AddTwice} as an argument, and returns an instance of AddTwice. Note that you can also receive keyword arguments.

julia> function JuMP.build_variable(
           println("Can also use $kwargs here.")
           return AddTwice(info)

Third, implement add_variable, which takes the instance of AddTwice from the previous step, and returns something. Typically, you will want to call add_variable here. For example, our AddTwice call is going to add two JuMP variables.

julia> function JuMP.add_variable(
           a = JuMP.add_variable(
           b = JuMP.add_variable(
           return (a, b)

Now AddTwice can be passed to @variable similar to Bin or Int, or through the variable_type keyword. However, now it adds two variables instead of one.

julia> model = Model();

julia> @variable(model, x[i=1:2], variable_type = AddTwice, kw = i)
Can also use Base.Pairs(:kw => 1) here.
Can also use Base.Pairs(:kw => 2) here.
2-element Vector{Tuple{VariableRef, VariableRef}}:
 (x[1]_a, x[1]_b)
 (x[2]_a, x[2]_b)

julia> num_variables(model)

julia> first(x[1])

julia> last(x[2])

Extend @constraint

The @constraint macro has three steps that can be intercepted and extended: parse time, build time, and add time.


To extend the @constraint macro at parse time, implement one of the following methods:

Extending the constraint macro at parse time is an advanced operation and has the potential to interfere with existing JuMP syntax. Please discuss with the developer chatroom before publishing any code that implements these methods.

parse_constraint_head should be implemented to intercept an expression based on the .head field of Base.Expr. For example:

julia> using JuMP

julia> const MutableArithmetics = JuMP._MA;

julia> model = Model(); @variable(model, x);

julia> function JuMP.parse_constraint_head(
           println("Rewriting ≔ as ==")
           new_lhs, parse_code = MutableArithmetics.rewrite(lhs)
           build_code = :(
               build_constraint($(error_fn), $(new_lhs), MOI.EqualTo($(rhs)))
           return false, parse_code, build_code

julia> @constraint(model, x + x ≔ 1.0)
Rewriting ≔ as ==
2 x = 1

parse_constraint_call should be implemented to intercept an expression of the form Expr(:call, op, args...). For example:

julia> using JuMP

julia> const MutableArithmetics = JuMP._MA;

julia> model = Model(); @variable(model, x);

julia> function JuMP.parse_constraint_call(
           println("Rewriting my_equal_to to ==")
           new_lhs, parse_code = MutableArithmetics.rewrite(lhs)
           build_code = if is_vectorized
               :(build_constraint($(error_fn), $(new_lhs), MOI.EqualTo($(rhs)))
               :(build_constraint.($(error_fn), $(new_lhs), MOI.EqualTo($(rhs))))
           return parse_code, build_code

julia> @constraint(model, my_equal_to(x + x, 1.0))
Rewriting my_equal_to to ==
2 x = 1

When parsing a constraint you can recurse into sub-constraint (for example, the {expr} in z --> {x <= 1}) by calling parse_constraint.

To prevent JuMP from promoting the set to the same value type as the model, use SkipModelConvertScalarSetWrapper.


To extend the @constraint macro at build time, implement a new build_constraint method.

This may mean implementing a method for a specific function or set created at parse time, or it may mean implementing a method which handles additional positional arguments.

build_constraint must return an AbstractConstraint, which can either be an AbstractConstraint already supported by JuMP, for example, ScalarConstraint or VectorConstraint, or a custom AbstractConstraint with a corresponding add_constraint method (see Add).

The easiest way to extend @constraint is via an additional positional argument to build_constraint.

Here is an example of adding extra arguments to build_constraint:

julia> model = Model(); @variable(model, x);

julia> struct MyConstrType end

julia> function JuMP.build_constraint(
            d = 0,
            new_set = MOI.LessThan(set.value + d)
            return JuMP.build_constraint(error_fn, f, new_set)

julia> @constraint(model, my_con, x == 0, MyConstrType, d = 2)
my_con : x ≤ 2

Only a single positional argument can be given to a particular constraint. Extensions that seek to pass multiple arguments (for example, Foo and Bar) should combine them into one argument type (for example, FooBar).


build_constraint returns an AbstractConstraint object. To extend @constraint at add time, define a subtype of AbstractConstraint, implement build_constraint to return an instance of the new type, and then implement add_constraint.

Here is an example:

julia> model = Model(); @variable(model, x);

julia> struct MyTag

julia> struct MyConstraint{S} <: AbstractConstraint

julia> function JuMP.build_constraint(
            return MyConstraint(extra.name, f, set)

julia> function JuMP.add_constraint(
            return add_constraint(
                ScalarConstraint(con.f, con.s),

julia> @constraint(model, my_con, 2x <= 1, MyTag("my_prefix"))
my_prefix[my_con] : 2 x - 1 ≤ 0

The extension dictionary

Every JuMP model has a field .ext::Dict{Symbol,Any} that can be used by extensions. This is useful if your extensions to @variable and @constraint need to store information between calls.

The most common way to initialize a model with information in the .ext dictionary is to provide a new constructor:

julia> function MyModel()
           model = Model()
           model.ext[:MyModel] = 1
           return model
MyModel (generic function with 1 method)

julia> model = MyModel()
A JuMP Model
├ solver: none
├ objective_sense: FEASIBILITY_SENSE
├ num_variables: 0
├ num_constraints: 0
└ Names registered in the model: none

julia> model.ext
Dict{Symbol, Any} with 1 entry:
  :MyModel => 1

If you define extension data, implement copy_extension_data to support copy_model.

Defining new JuMP models

If extending individual calls to @variable and @constraint is not sufficient, it is possible to implement a new model via a subtype of AbstractModel. You can also define new AbstractVariableRefs to create different types of JuMP variables.

Extending JuMP in this manner is an advanced operation. We strongly encourage you to consider how you can use the methods mentioned in the previous sections to achieve your aims instead of defining new model and variable types. Consult the developer chatroom before starting work on this.

If you define new types, you will need to implement a considerable number of methods, and doing so will require a detailed understanding of the JuMP internals. Therefore, the list of methods to implement is currently undocumented.

The easiest way to extend JuMP by defining a new model type is to follow an existing example. A simple example to follow is the JuMPExtension module in the JuMP test suite. The best example of an external JuMP extension that implements an AbstractModel is InfiniteOpt.jl.

Testing JuMP extensions

The JuMP test suite contains a large number of tests for JuMP extensions. You can run these tests by copying the MIT-licensed Kokako.jl file in the JuMP tests into your /test folder, and then adding this snippet to your /test/runtests.jl file:

using MyJuMPExtension
import JuMP
const MODULES_TO_TEST = Kokako.include_modules_to_test(JuMP)
    test_prefix = "test_extension_",

Set an optimize! hook

Some extensions require modification to the problem after the user has finished constructing the problem, but before optimize! is called. For these situations, JuMP provides set_optimize_hook, which lets you intercept the optimize! call.

Here’s a simple example of adding an optimize hook that extends optimize! to take a keyword argument silent:

julia> using JuMP, HiGHS

julia> model = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer);

julia> @variable(model, x >= 1.5, Int);

julia> @objective(model, Min, x);

julia> function silent_hook(model; silent::Bool)
           if silent
           ## Make sure you set ignore_optimize_hook = true, or we'll
           ## recursively enter the optimize hook!
           return optimize!(model; ignore_optimize_hook = true)
silent_hook (generic function with 1 method)

julia> set_optimize_hook(model, silent_hook)
silent_hook (generic function with 1 method)

julia> optimize!(model; silent = true)

julia> optimize!(model; silent = false)
Coefficient ranges:
  Cost   [1e+00, 1e+00]
  Bound  [2e+00, 2e+00]
Assessing feasibility of MIP using primal feasibility and integrality tolerance of       1e-06
Solution has               num          max          sum
Col     infeasibilities      0            0            0
Integer infeasibilities      0            0            0
Row     infeasibilities      0            0            0
Row     residuals            0            0            0
Presolving model
0 rows, 0 cols, 0 nonzeros  0s
0 rows, 0 cols, 0 nonzeros  0s
Presolve: Optimal

Solving report
  Status            Optimal
  Primal bound      2
  Dual bound        2
  Gap               0% (tolerance: 0.01%)
  Solution status   feasible
                    2 (objective)
                    0 (bound viol.)
                    0 (int. viol.)
                    0 (row viol.)
  Timing            0.00 (total)
                    0.00 (presolve)
                    0.00 (postsolve)
  Nodes             0
  LP iterations     0 (total)
                    0 (strong br.)
                    0 (separation)
                    0 (heuristics)

Creating new container types

JuMP macros (for example, @variable) accept a container keyword argument to force the type of container that is chosen. By default, JuMP supports container = Array, container = DenseAxisArray, container = SparseAxisArray and container = Auto. You can extend support to user-defined types by implementing Containers.container.

For example, here is a container that reverses the order of the indices:

julia> struct Foo end

julia> function Containers.container(f::Function, indices, ::Type{Foo})
           return reverse([f(i...) for i in indices])

julia> model = Model();

julia> @variable(model, x[1:3], container = Foo)
3-element Vector{VariableRef}:

julia> x[1]

julia> @variable(model, y[1:3, 1:2], container = Foo)
3×2 Matrix{VariableRef}:
 y[3,2]  y[3,1]
 y[2,2]  y[2,1]
 y[1,2]  y[1,1]

julia> y[1, 1]

julia> @variable(model, z[i=1:3; isodd(i)], container = Foo)
2-element Vector{VariableRef}:

julia> z[2]

If you are a general user, you should not need to create a new container type. Instead, consider following User-defined containers and create a new container using standard Julia syntax. For example:

julia> model = Model();

julia> @variable(model, x[1:3])
3-element Vector{VariableRef}:

julia> y = reverse(x)
3-element Vector{VariableRef}:

Performance tips for extensions

The function-in-set design of MathOptInterface causes type stability issues in Julia if you try to iterate over all of the constraints in a model. The easiest way to fix this is to use a function barrier.

For example, instead of:

function all_names_slow(model)
    names = Set{String}()
    for ci in all_constraints(model)
        push!(names, name(ci))
    return names


function _function_barrier(names, model, ::Type{F}, ::Type{S}) where {F,S}
    for ci in all_constraints(model, F, S)
        push!(names, name(ci))

function all_names_fast(model)
    names = Set{String}()
    for (F, S) in list_of_constraint_types(model)
        _function_barrier(names, model, F, S)
    return names

It is important to explicitly type the F and S arguments. If you leave them untyped, for example, function _function_barrier(names, model, F, S), Julia will not specialize the function calls and performance will not be improved.