Serving web apps
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This tutorial demonstrates how to setup and serve JuMP models via a REST API.
In the example app we are building, we solve a trivial mixed-integer program, which is parameterized by the lower bound of a variable. To call the service, users send an HTTP POST request with JSON contents indicating the lower bound. The returned value is the solution of the mixed-integer program as JSON.
First, we need JuMP and a solver:
using JuMP
import HiGHS
import HTTP
import JSON
The server side
The core components of our REST server are endpoints. These are functions which accept a Dict{String,Any}
of input parameters, and return a Dict{String,Any}
as output. The types are Dict{String,Any}
because we’re going to read these to and from JSON.
Here’s a very simple endpoint: it accepts params
as input, formulates and solves a trivial mixed-integer program, and then returns a dictionary with the result.
function endpoint_solve(params::Dict{String,Any})
if !haskey(params, "lower_bound")
return Dict{String,Any}(
"status" => "failure",
"reason" => "missing lower_bound param",
elseif !(params["lower_bound"] isa Real)
return Dict{String,Any}(
"status" => "failure",
"reason" => "lower_bound is not a number",
model = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, x >= params["lower_bound"], Int)
ret = Dict{String,Any}(
"status" => "okay",
"terminaton_status" => termination_status(model),
"primal_status" => primal_status(model),
# Only include the `x` key if it has a value.
if primal_status(model) == FEASIBLE_POINT
ret["x"] = value(x)
return ret
endpoint_solve (generic function with 1 method)
When we call this, we get:
endpoint_solve(Dict{String,Any}("lower_bound" => 1.2))
Dict{String, Any} with 4 entries:
"status" => "okay"
"x" => 2.0
"primal_status" => FEASIBLE_POINT
"terminaton_status" => OPTIMAL
Dict{String, Any} with 2 entries:
"status" => "failure"
"reason" => "missing lower_bound param"
For a second function, we need a function that accepts an HTTP.Request
object and returns an HTTP.Response
function serve_solve(request::HTTP.Request)
data = JSON.parse(String(request.body))
solution = endpoint_solve(data)
return HTTP.Response(200, JSON.json(solution))
serve_solve (generic function with 1 method)
Finally, we need an HTTP server. There are a variety of ways you can do this in HTTP.jl. We use an explicit Sockets.listen
so we have manual control of when we shutdown the server.
function setup_server(host, port)
server = HTTP.Sockets.listen(host, port)
HTTP.serve!(host, port; server = server) do request
# Extend the server by adding other endpoints here.
if == "/api/solve"
return serve_solve(request)
return HTTP.Response(404, "target $( not found")
catch err
# Log details about the exception server-side
@info "Unhandled exception: $err"
# Return a response to the client
return HTTP.Response(500, "internal error")
return server
setup_server (generic function with 1 method)
HTTP.jl does not serve requests on a separate thread. Therefore, a long-running job will block the main thread, preventing concurrent users from submitting requests. To work-around this, read HTTP.jl issue 798 or watch Building Microservices and Applications in Julia from JuliaCon 2020. |
server = setup_server(HTTP.ip"", 8080)
Sockets.TCPServer(RawFD(27) active)
The client side
Now that we have a server, we can send it requests via this function:
function send_request(data::Dict; endpoint::String = "solve")
ret = HTTP.request(
# This should match the URL and endpoint we defined for our server.
["Content-Type" => "application/json"],
if ret.status != 200
# This could happen if there are time-outs, network errors, etc.
return Dict(
"status" => "failure",
"code" => ret.status,
"body" => String(ret.body),
return JSON.parse(String(ret.body))
send_request (generic function with 1 method)
Let’s see what happens:
send_request(Dict("lower_bound" => 0))
Dict{String, Any} with 4 entries:
"status" => "okay"
"x" => 0.0
"primal_status" => "FEASIBLE_POINT"
"terminaton_status" => "OPTIMAL"
send_request(Dict("lower_bound" => 1.2))
Dict{String, Any} with 4 entries:
"status" => "okay"
"x" => 2.0
"primal_status" => "FEASIBLE_POINT"
"terminaton_status" => "OPTIMAL"
If we don’t send a lower_bound
, we get:
send_request(Dict("invalid_param" => 1.2))
Dict{String, Any} with 2 entries:
"status" => "failure"
"reason" => "missing lower_bound param"
If we don’t send a lower_bound
that is a number, we get:
send_request(Dict("lower_bound" => "1.2"))
Dict{String, Any} with 2 entries:
"status" => "failure"
"reason" => "lower_bound is not a number"
Finally, we can shutdown our HTTP server:
[ Info: Server on closing
Next steps
For more complicated examples relating to HTTP servers, consult the HTTP.jl documentation.
To see how you can integrate this with a larger JuMP model, read Design patterns for larger models.