Документация Engee

RGB to HSV and thresholding

Страница в процессе перевода.

This example illustrates how RGB to HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) conversion can be used to facilitate segmentation processes.

using Images, TestImages, LinearAlgebra

rgb_img = testimage("lighthouse")
hsv_img = HSV.(rgb_img)
channels = channelview(float.(hsv_img))
hue_img = channels[1,:,:]
value_img = channels[3,:,:]
saturation_img = channels[2,:,:]

A simple segmentation of the image can then be effectively performed by a mere thresholding of the HSV channels.

mask = zeros(size(hue_img))
h, s, v = 80, 150, 150
for ind in eachindex(hue_img)
    if hue_img[ind] <= h && saturation_img[ind] <= s/255 && value_img[ind] <= v/255
        mask[ind] = 1
binary_img = colorview(Gray, mask)

The obtained binary image can be used as a mask on the original RGB image.

segmented_img = mask .* rgb_img

hcat(rgb_img, binary_img, segmented_img)

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