Документация Engee


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partition([rng], object, method)

Partition object with partition method. Optionally, specify random number generator rng.


A method for partitioning domain/data objects.


UniformPartition(k, [shuffle])

A method for partitioning spatial objects uniformly into k subsets of approximately equal size. Optionally shuffle the data (default to true).


FractionPartition(fraction, shuffle=true)

A method for partitioning spatial objects according to a given fraction. Optionally shuffle elements before partitioning.


BlockPartition(sides; neighbors=false)

A method for partitioning spatial objects into blocks of given sides. Optionally, compute the neighbors of a block as the metadata.

BlockPartition(side₁, side₂, ..., sideₙ; neighbors=false)

Alternatively, specify the sides side₁, side₂, …​, sideₙ.


BisectPointPartition(normal, point)

A method for partitioning spatial objects into two half spaces defined by a normal direction and a reference point.


BisectFractionPartition(normal, fraction=0.5, maxiter=10)

A method for partitioning spatial objects into two half spaces defined by a normal direction and a fraction of points. The partition is returned within maxiter bisection iterations.


BallPartition(radius; metric=Euclidean())

A method for partitioning spatial objects into balls of a given radius using a metric.


PlanePartition(normal; [tol])

A method for partitioning spatial objects into a family of hyperplanes defined by a normal direction. Two points x and y belong to the same hyperplane when (x - y) ⋅ normal < tol.


DirectionPartition(direction; [tol])

A method for partitioning spatial objects along a given direction with bandwidth tolerance tol.



A method for partitioning spatial objects with a given predicate function. Two locations i and j are part of the same subset whenever predicate(i, j) == true



A method for partitioning spatial objects with a given spatial predicate function. Two coordinates x and y are part of the same subset whenever predicate(x, y) == true.


ProductPartition(p₁, p₂)

A method for partitioning spatial objects using the product of two partitioning methods p₁ and p₂.


HierarchicalPartition(first, second)

A partitioning method in which a first partition is applied and then a second partition is applied to each subset of the first.