Документация Engee


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Meshes adds methods to Julia’s built-in clamp function. The additional methods clamp points to the edges of a box in any number of dimensions. The target points and boxes must have the same number of dimensions and the same numeric type.

clamp(point, box)

Clamp the coordinates of a Point to the edges of a Box.

For each dimension, coordinates outside of the box are moved to the nearest edge of the box. The point and box must have an equal number of dimensions.

clamp(pset, box)

Clamp each point in a PointSet to the edges of a Box, returning a new set of points.

# set of 2D points to clamp
points = PointSet(rand(Point, 100, crs=Cartesian2D))

# 2D box defining the clamping boundaries
box = Box((0.25, 0.25), (0.75, 0.75))

# clamp point coordinates to the box edges
clamped = clamp(points, box)

fig = Mke.Figure(size=(800, 400))
ax = Mke.Axis(fig[1,1], title="unclamped", aspect=1, limits=(0,1,0,1))
viz!(ax, box)
viz!(ax, points, color=:black, pointsize=6)
ax = Mke.Axis(fig[1,2], title="clamped", aspect=1, limits=(0,1,0,1))
viz!(ax, box)
viz!(ax, clamped, color=:black, pointsize=6)