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# PortAudio.BufferType

struct PortAudio.Buffer{Sample}

A PortAudio.Buffer contains everything you might need to read or write data from or to PortAudio. The data field contains the raw data in the buffer. Use PortAudio.write_buffer to write data to PortAudio, and PortAudio.read_buffer! to read data from PortAudio.

# PortAudio.MessengerType

Messenger{Sample, Scribe, Input, Output}

A struct with entries

  • device_name::String

  • buffer::Buffer{Sample}

  • scribe::Scribe

  • input_channel::Channel{Input}

  • output_channel::Channel{Output}

The messenger will send tasks to the scribe; the scribe will read/write from the buffer.

# PortAudio.SampledSignalsReaderType

struct PortAudio.SampledSignalsReader

A PortAudio.Scribe that will use the SampledSignals package to manage reading data from PortAudio.

# PortAudio.SampledSignalsWriterType

struct PortAudio.SampledSignalsReader

A PortAudio.Scribe that will use the SampledSignals package to manage writing data to PortAudio.

# PortAudio.ScribeType

abstract type PortAudio.Scribe end

A scribe must implement the following:

# PortAudio.get_input_typeMethod

PortAudio.get_input_type(scribe::PortAudio.Scribe, Sample)

Get the input type of a PortAudio.Scribe for samples of type Sample.

# PortAudio.get_output_typeMethod

PortAudio.get_input_type(scribe::PortAudio.Scribe, Sample)

Get the output type of a PortAudio.Scribe for samples of type Sample.

# PortAudio.read_buffer!Function

PortAudio.read_buffer!(buffer::Buffer, use_frames = buffer.frames_per_buffer; acquire_lock = true)

Read a number of frames (use_frames) from PortAudio to a PortAudio.Buffer.

Set acquire_lock = false to skip acquiring the acquire_lock.

# PortAudio.write_bufferFunction

PortAudio.write_buffer(buffer, use_frames = buffer.frames_per_buffer; acquire_lock = true)

Write a number of frames (use_frames) from a PortAudio.Buffer to PortAudio.

Set acquire_lock = false to skip acquiring the lock.