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FastTransforms.jl Documentation

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FastTransforms.jl allows the user to conveniently work with orthogonal polynomials with degrees well into the millions.

This package provides a Julia wrapper for the C library of the same name. Additionally, all three types of nonuniform fast Fourier transforms available, as well as the Padua transform.

Fast orthogonal polynomial transforms

For this documentation, please see the documentation for FastTransforms. Most transforms have separate forward and inverse plans. In some instances, however, the inverse is in the sense of least-squares, and therefore only the forward transform is planned.

Nonuniform fast Fourier transforms

# FastTransforms.nufft1Function

Computes a nonuniform fast Fourier transform of type I:

Computes a 2D nonuniform fast Fourier transform of type I-I:

# FastTransforms.nufft2Function

Computes a nonuniform fast Fourier transform of type II:

Computes a 2D nonuniform fast Fourier transform of type II-II:

# FastTransforms.nufft3Function

Computes a nonuniform fast Fourier transform of type III:

# FastTransforms.inufft1Function

Computes an inverse nonuniform fast Fourier transform of type I.

# FastTransforms.inufft2Function

Computes an inverse nonuniform fast Fourier transform of type II.

# FastTransforms.paduatransformFunction

Padua Transform maps from interpolant values at the Padua points to the 2D Chebyshev coefficients.

# FastTransforms.ipaduatransformFunction

Inverse Padua Transform maps the 2D Chebyshev coefficients to the values of the interpolation polynomial at the Padua points.

Other Exported Methods

# FastTransforms.gauntFunction

Calculates the Gaunt coefficients, defined by:

or defined by:

This is a Julia implementation of the stable recurrence described in:

Y.-l. Xu, Fast evaluation of Gaunt coefficients: recursive approach, J. Comp. Appl. Math., 85:53—​65, 1997.

Calculates the Gaunt coefficients in 64-bit floating-point arithmetic.

# FastTransforms.paduapointsFunction

Returns coordinates of the Padua points.

# FastTransforms.sphevaluateFunction

Pointwise evaluation of real orthonormal spherical harmonic:

Internal Methods

Miscellaneous Special Functions

# FastTransforms.halfFunction

Compute a typed 0.5.

# FastTransforms.twoFunction

Compute a typed 2.

# FastTransforms.δFunction

The Kronecker function:

# FastTransforms.ΛFunction

The Lambda function for the ratio of gamma functions.

For 64-bit floating-point arithmetic, the Lambda function uses the asymptotic series for in Appendix B of

I.Bogaert and B. Michiels and J. Fostier, 𝒪(1) computation of Legendre polynomials and Gauss—​Legendre nodes and weights for parallel computing, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 34:C83—​C101, 2012.

The Lambda function for the ratio of gamma functions.

# FastTransforms.lambertwFunction

The principal branch of the Lambert-W function, defined by , computed using Halley’s method for .

# FastTransforms.pochhammerFunction

Pochhammer symbol for the rising factorial.

# FastTransforms.stirlingseriesFunction

Stirling’s asymptotic series for .

Modified Chebyshev Moment-Based Quadrature

# FastTransforms.clenshawcurtisnodesFunction

Compute nodes of the Clenshaw—​Curtis quadrature rule.

# FastTransforms.clenshawcurtisweightsFunction

Compute weights of the Clenshaw—​Curtis quadrature rule with modified Chebyshev moments of the first kind .

# FastTransforms.fejernodes1Function

Compute nodes of Fejer’s first quadrature rule.

# FastTransforms.fejerweights1Function

Compute weights of Fejer’s first quadrature rule with modified Chebyshev moments of the first kind .

# FastTransforms.fejernodes2Function

Compute nodes of Fejer’s second quadrature rule.

# FastTransforms.fejerweights2Function

Compute weights of Fejer’s second quadrature rule with modified Chebyshev moments of the second kind .

# FastTransforms.chebyshevmoments1Function

Modified Chebyshev moments of the first kind:

# FastTransforms.chebyshevjacobimoments1Function

Modified Chebyshev moments of the first kind with respect to the Jacobi weight:

# FastTransforms.chebyshevlogmoments1Function

Modified Chebyshev moments of the first kind with respect to the logarithmic weight:

# FastTransforms.chebyshevmoments2Function

Modified Chebyshev moments of the second kind:

# FastTransforms.chebyshevjacobimoments2Function

Modified Chebyshev moments of the second kind with respect to the Jacobi weight:

# FastTransforms.chebyshevlogmoments2Function

Modified Chebyshev moments of the second kind with respect to the logarithmic weight:


# FastTransforms.EllipticModule

FastTransforms submodule for the computation of some elliptic integrals and functions.

Complete elliptic integrals of the first and second kinds:

Jacobian elliptic functions:

and the remaining nine are defined by: